Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
“The Yellow Wallpaper”
Temmi Adeyeni
Period 11
“The Yellow Wallpaper”
In Charlottes Perkins Gilman’s story, The Yellow Wallpaper, she tells the story of a woman who was considered a “true woman”. Though this story holds many main ideas, the one that sticks out the most is that being part of the “cult of true womanhood” can have some mental effects on the woman. In this case, the woman in this story is drained by the fact that her husband was putting her up on a high pedestal. Charlotte Perkins Gilman proves this argument through the use of detail and imagery.
By Charlottes Perkins Gilman using a plethora of detail and imagery, she is evoking the idea that this woman is miserable and tired. She is tired of being smothered by her husband. He does not really want her to do anything and she just sits around and watch the day go by. The woman describes her house and estate in a very distinct manner that helps the audience come to the conclusion that she is bored with the relationship. Each day is slowly dragging along with no significance. “It makes me tired to follow it”, “I did nor feel able”(Gilmer 7). The woman has turned into a lazy person, who expects everything to be done for her. She hates this idea, because she knows it is changing her as an individual. Having to live up to the standards of “cult of true womanhood”, was tiring, draining and most importantly weakening to her well-being. She is being mentally affected in the sense that she knows she is getting weaker and to get her power back, she “attacks” everything that reminds her of her situation. This is where the Yellow Wallpaper comes into play. In the story, the Yellow Wallpaper is being described as “repellent”, and “unclean”; she goes on to state that she should hate the wallpaper herself, since she had been in the room long enough. This reinstates the fact that she was sick of being lazy and not having anything to do. She did not want to be in the lap of luxury. These mental effects went as far as affecting her marriage. It seemed like her husband loved her a lot but the feelings were not reciprocal. She is aware of the fact that she is unfair to him, because she keeps on mentioning that he cared for her a lot. She feels that if she drew closer to her husband, the fact that she was being treated like an insolent would only get worse. This makes her angry, because if she tries to get out of the relationship nothing good could come out of it. She would lose her title as a “true woman” and therefore be shunned by the society. Nothing good would come out of it.
In conclusion, Charlottes Perkins Gilman thoroughly explains to the reader the mental effects of being a “true woman”. She shows that it is not only draining to the women on the outside looking in, but also to the women on the inside.
Period 11
“The Yellow Wallpaper”
In Charlottes Perkins Gilman’s story, The Yellow Wallpaper, she tells the story of a woman who was considered a “true woman”. Though this story holds many main ideas, the one that sticks out the most is that being part of the “cult of true womanhood” can have some mental effects on the woman. In this case, the woman in this story is drained by the fact that her husband was putting her up on a high pedestal. Charlotte Perkins Gilman proves this argument through the use of detail and imagery.
By Charlottes Perkins Gilman using a plethora of detail and imagery, she is evoking the idea that this woman is miserable and tired. She is tired of being smothered by her husband. He does not really want her to do anything and she just sits around and watch the day go by. The woman describes her house and estate in a very distinct manner that helps the audience come to the conclusion that she is bored with the relationship. Each day is slowly dragging along with no significance. “It makes me tired to follow it”, “I did nor feel able”(Gilmer 7). The woman has turned into a lazy person, who expects everything to be done for her. She hates this idea, because she knows it is changing her as an individual. Having to live up to the standards of “cult of true womanhood”, was tiring, draining and most importantly weakening to her well-being. She is being mentally affected in the sense that she knows she is getting weaker and to get her power back, she “attacks” everything that reminds her of her situation. This is where the Yellow Wallpaper comes into play. In the story, the Yellow Wallpaper is being described as “repellent”, and “unclean”; she goes on to state that she should hate the wallpaper herself, since she had been in the room long enough. This reinstates the fact that she was sick of being lazy and not having anything to do. She did not want to be in the lap of luxury. These mental effects went as far as affecting her marriage. It seemed like her husband loved her a lot but the feelings were not reciprocal. She is aware of the fact that she is unfair to him, because she keeps on mentioning that he cared for her a lot. She feels that if she drew closer to her husband, the fact that she was being treated like an insolent would only get worse. This makes her angry, because if she tries to get out of the relationship nothing good could come out of it. She would lose her title as a “true woman” and therefore be shunned by the society. Nothing good would come out of it.
In conclusion, Charlottes Perkins Gilman thoroughly explains to the reader the mental effects of being a “true woman”. She shows that it is not only draining to the women on the outside looking in, but also to the women on the inside.
Annotated bibliography
Temmi Adeyeni
November 15, 2008
Annotated Bibliography: Pediatrician
Anonymous. (2005) . Adolescent Sex-Ed . The Washington Times . Retrieved
November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is to express that there is going to be a lot of pressure on pediatricians. People will always look up to them to knowing what to do in every situation. This can go to such an extent that they take on some of the roles that a parent would normally take on. This article entertains the idea of pediatricians teaching their pre-teen and teenage patients about sex. This argument is being presented to me through the amount of detail that the writer uses. She explains a lot about what exactly the pediatricians had to talk about with their patients. Some of these things intertwine with moral values ,which parents should be teaching their children. By including all the detail, it makes it seem like the writer does not really like this idea. The flaws of this idea lies in the fact that the writer did not ask enough questions and figure out why it is urged that pediatricians teach their teen female patients about their sexual escapades. Had she have done that , the argument would be stronger. This article, however, teaches me that to be a pediatrician you have to sometimes pick up other people’s slack. Whether it is the other doctors’ or the parents’ themselves. You have to be ready for anything.
Anstett, P. (2004) . Flu shots plans specify how to ration vaccine . Detroit Free Press . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main point of this article is to inform readers about the people that were eligible to get the Flu Vaccines. This main point was presented using the rhetorical trope, logos. She exhibited the use of logos by stating facts and statistics. Numbers were used when she was speaking about ages and amounts of vaccine given. Children 6-23 months old, children 6 months-18 yrs old taking aspirin, pregnant women, Senior citizens/ nursing home residents, Health care workers in direct patient-care jobs, Caregivers and household contacts of children younger than 6 months. The leftovers were going to be given to healthcare workers who care for high-risk patients. The flaws in this argument lie in the fact that she does not answer questions that can be derived from reading the article . For example, How are the vaccines going to be paid for? What chemical in the Flu Vaccine that makes it so effective in different people with different medical backgrounds ? Its almost like she leaves the readers with a cliffhanger. She also does not offer me an explanation as to why the vaccines are not available to everyone. These flaws could be fixed by her diving deeper into the topic and uncovering the hidden details leaving no question unanswered. She could have had someone else look over it and answer all the questions they might have had. This article helped to show me that pediatricians are at high demand during Flu season. As you can see in the list of qualifiers, a good chunk of them are little children. Being that a pediatrician is a children’s doctor, from this article, I know that if I become a pediatrician, I will be busy at different points of my career when kids are in danger of getting sick. It lets me know that I am in the risk of catching different diseases from my patients. Basically, this article is giving me the physical risks of being a pediatrician. On the other hand, it increases my interest in this career, because by administering the Flu vaccine, I am helping to keep children safe.
Gehrke-White, D. (2002) . Ritalin needed to keep kids safe and Healthy, psychologist says . The Miami Herald . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that children should not be offered the same medicines as adults. In this case, Ritalin , a mental psychotropic drug is being argued over on whether it should be offered to children or not. Some say that Ritalin and other drugs should still be used and others argue that they are not necessary for little children. The ones that support Ritalin say that it is among a group of psychotropic drugs given to maintain or improve behavior, emotions or thinking. The ones that opposed Ritalin say that society also has to look at other problems contributing to children being hyperactive or having problems concentrating instead of just taking the easy way out and giving medication. The rhetorical trope that is used in proving this argument is logos. The writer uses a lot of facts to back up his main points such as: The Florida State Legislators and some statistics. By using logos and supporting both sides of the argument, it makes the argument unbiased and therefore everything is fair. The flaw in this argument lies in the fact that the author fails to mention or look into any scientific research that is trying to find an alternate for Ritalin . The article would have been much stronger had he have done that. This article taught me that to be a pediatrician you have to have some sort of patience. For example: if a child comes in with a sickness, you have to be willing to make some lifestyle changes and figure out the root of the problem before you take the easy way out and give medications.
Gillham, C. (2007). More than just Push-ups. Newsweek, 149(25) . Retrieved November 15, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that pediatricians hold a special significance in a child’s life. In this article, before the child could go lifting weights with a personal trainer, he had to go see a pediatrician. This shows that pediatricians serve a purpose in a child’s life. The rhetorical trope that it used in supporting this argument is ethos. Ethos is being used in the sense that the man’s father wanted to keep his child safe by taking extra precautions. He wanted to .let his son have a good time, but in a safe way. He is showing ethos, because he is showing good parenting skills. The flaw in this argument is that it does not include a standard workout routine for a boy his age. Had he have added the standard workout routine, he would have had a stronger argument. This article taught me that being a pediatrician is a big responsibility. They have to be ready for anything. All their patients look to them before they make any decisions that may affect them. They have to know the patient inside and out so they can prescribe the right medicines and make the correct lifestyle changes.
Goddard, J. (2005) . Children draw Real Darfur . Toronto Star . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that as a pediatrician, you have to be willing to expand your horizons and help out all the children of the world and not just the ones that willingly come to your office. She is showing that you are not just a doctor to America’s children, but to the whole world’s children. You always have to be ready to help and serve the less fortunate. The writer gets his or her point across by using ethos. The rhetorical trope, ethos, is being revealed through the fact that the pediatrician even went down there. It shows that she has a good character and that she is willing to leave her country, put her well-being on the line to help someone else. She is also using going to Darfur as a hands-on learning experience. By going down there, she is not only earning about the effects of the war on the children and their mental and physical wellness; She is learning about herself as an individual and also as a doctor. The flaws of this article lies in the fact that the words she used to describe the pictures were kind of flat. There was a lack of imagery. The imagery would have been stronger had she took time to describe the pictures that she saw on the walls and put some emotion behind it. She should have went beyond thinking literally and think figuratively. This article helped me to learn more about being a pediatrician. It made me understand that I will have to step out of my comfort zone ,if I want to gain more knowledge about being a pediatrician. It will not do anything but make me a stronger pediatrician.
Hansen, L. (2002) . Panel makes Recommendation on Cold Medicine . Weekend Edition Sunday . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that as a pediatrician, you have to do what’s right for the patient. Do not prescribe to another child what you would not prescribe to yours. Every child that walks into your office has to be treated with the same respect and feel the same love as your own children receive. This idea is being shown through the rhetorical trope, ethos. The doctors are showing good character in the sense that they are aware of what is going on in the medical world. If they were not aware of all the new scientific discoveries, they would not be able to help their patients as best as they could. So by finding out about it shows that they care about their patients just as much as they care for their own children. The flaw in this argument lies in the fact that she did not talk to enough people to get their insight on the topic. It was just one person’s opinion and that is not really fair, because not every pediatrician feels the same way. One person can not speak for all. However, this article did help me in the sense that I now know that everything that works for adults has the possibility of not working for children. The same organs might be present, but they work at a different pace.
Norris, M. (2004) . Flu Vaccine Surpluses . All Things Considered . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main point of this article is to indirectly inform the readers about the rules and guidelines of being a pediatrician or any kind of doctor. It is explaining that as a doctor, you have to abide by certain rules. That no matter how much you may care and want to help someone, if whatever they want to do is not within those rules ,then you can not do it under any circumstances. The rhetorical trope that was used in this situation was ethos. When the doctor refused to give the unqualifying child a Flu Vaccine, she is showing good character and therefore showing me and other readers interested in this career that if she was able to stand her ground then it should not be a problem for them. By showing good character, it definitely makes it easier for a reader to believe the things that she is saying and to take them into consideration. The flaws in this article lie in the fact that she did not go enough into detail as to what demographic they were going to give the extra vaccines to. To fix this flaw the writer should have followed up on the story and close the article in a convincing manner. However, this article was very helpful in the sense that it informed me about the mental requirements of being a pediatrician or any kind of doctor. For example: moral ethics, and strong-mindedness. The subject of this article is a pediatric administrator who ordered too many Flu Vaccines. She ended up not needing all of it and they expired and eventually went to waste. This is where moral ethics come into play. She ordered much more than she needed instead of taking just a small amount. By doing this, she shows me that I should not take more than I actually need. I should not be greedy, because I might take away from others who are less fortunate. As a pediatrician, this is helpful to me because everything is always limited and I can not afford to waste anything. Strong-mindedness shows when she refused to give the Flu Vaccine to the child that was not in high risk. She had to be strong in saying “NO”. It teaches me that there will always be patients that will want you to do things fro them that you know is dangerous for your career as well as their well-being.
Song, S . (2005) . Doctor‘s Orders. Time, 166(6) . Retrieved November 17, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that Pediatricians/Doctors have the power and right to refuse a patient that they feel they can not work with. In this article, the doctors were refusing to give service to parents who refused to give their child vaccinations. This action can be justified , because if the child does not receive a vaccination, they are at a bigger risk of getting serious illness that can affect them forever and in a worse way. The rhetorical trope that is used to prove this argument is ethos. This is proven by ethos, because the doctor is showing good character . He /she knows that if the child gets a vaccine it would be at a less risk of catching a deadly and harmful illness. So, the doctor is showing that he cares about the kid instead of being cold and arrogant towards the child. This action basically reinforces the powers that the doctor has. It makes his/her authority stronger and more respectable. The flaw in this argument lies in the fact that the writer did not have any statistics as to how many people were affected by this change. It failed to answer questions such as : Did the doctors who enforced this policy lose some of their patients? How did this new change affect the hospitals that these doctors worked in? Had the writer include the answer to these questions, the argument would be stronger. This article taught me that as a doctor, I have to put my moral values ahead of everything else. If I feel that something is not right, I should be able to say “NO” and stand up for what I believe. I should not make it easy for people to step in my way. If I know there is a situation where no one would benefit from it, I do not have to do it. It shows me that I have the right to refuse a patient if I feel like they are not doing the right thing. Basically, this article empowers me as a pediatrician or any kind of doctor.
Walencia, K. (2006) . So long, soda…hello, fruit . Good Housekeeping . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that Pediatricians are partially responsible for the eating lifestyle of their patients. They have to help the parents get a kick start on raising the children on a good foundation. The writer proves this argument through the establishment of ethos. He uses ethos by building a relationship with the interviewer and including his own personal experiences. By doing this, he better convinces the interviewer as well as the readers. The flaw of this article lies in the fact that the writer over generalized and assumed that his ideas were going to work for every child out there. He did not focus on the fact that every child is different and responds to different things. To make the argument stronger, the writer should have focused on the different common types of kids and elaborate on how they respond to different eating habits. This article helped me to learn that as a pediatrician, you have to be able to organize things. In this article, Dr. Sears was able to put together a eating/lifestyle regimen for children. He shows that you have to know what children want and how they perceive things in order to help them make good decisions. You have to know what they are interested in to better persuade them to doing the right things.
Wetzstein, C. (2005) . Group changes tack on teen abstinence . The Washington Times . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main point of this article is that pediatricians, being that they still work with teenagers will always be critiqued, whether good or bad, on how they handle their teenage patients. In this case, The American Academy of Pediatrics changed their policy about promoting teen abstinence. At first, their policy was to promote teen abstinence, but they ended up changing it to promoting “safe sex” and offering contraceptives. The writer’s tool in proving her argument is diction. She uses quotes from other people’s critiques and thoughts on the situation to show how harsh they can get and that you have to be a strong person in order to deal with these critiques. She also collected different quotes to enhance the fact that people will feel differently about how you treat situations you come across. They either love you or hate you. The flaw in this argument lies in the fact that she did not include any statistics or facts to back up the arguments that were brought up. If she would have included facts and statistics, the audience would have been able to see the difference, if any at all, that their change in policy made in the lives of their teenage patients. Adding facts and statistics would have definitely made the argument stronger.
This article helped me to see the negative side/downfalls of being a pediatrician. It makes me to realize that someone will always be on my back and watching my every move and every decision that I make. But on the other hand, I still want to do this job: I will be changing and making easier the lives of teenagers.
November 15, 2008
Annotated Bibliography: Pediatrician
Anonymous. (2005) . Adolescent Sex-Ed . The Washington Times . Retrieved
November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is to express that there is going to be a lot of pressure on pediatricians. People will always look up to them to knowing what to do in every situation. This can go to such an extent that they take on some of the roles that a parent would normally take on. This article entertains the idea of pediatricians teaching their pre-teen and teenage patients about sex. This argument is being presented to me through the amount of detail that the writer uses. She explains a lot about what exactly the pediatricians had to talk about with their patients. Some of these things intertwine with moral values ,which parents should be teaching their children. By including all the detail, it makes it seem like the writer does not really like this idea. The flaws of this idea lies in the fact that the writer did not ask enough questions and figure out why it is urged that pediatricians teach their teen female patients about their sexual escapades. Had she have done that , the argument would be stronger. This article, however, teaches me that to be a pediatrician you have to sometimes pick up other people’s slack. Whether it is the other doctors’ or the parents’ themselves. You have to be ready for anything.
Anstett, P. (2004) . Flu shots plans specify how to ration vaccine . Detroit Free Press . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main point of this article is to inform readers about the people that were eligible to get the Flu Vaccines. This main point was presented using the rhetorical trope, logos. She exhibited the use of logos by stating facts and statistics. Numbers were used when she was speaking about ages and amounts of vaccine given. Children 6-23 months old, children 6 months-18 yrs old taking aspirin, pregnant women, Senior citizens/ nursing home residents, Health care workers in direct patient-care jobs, Caregivers and household contacts of children younger than 6 months. The leftovers were going to be given to healthcare workers who care for high-risk patients. The flaws in this argument lie in the fact that she does not answer questions that can be derived from reading the article . For example, How are the vaccines going to be paid for? What chemical in the Flu Vaccine that makes it so effective in different people with different medical backgrounds ? Its almost like she leaves the readers with a cliffhanger. She also does not offer me an explanation as to why the vaccines are not available to everyone. These flaws could be fixed by her diving deeper into the topic and uncovering the hidden details leaving no question unanswered. She could have had someone else look over it and answer all the questions they might have had. This article helped to show me that pediatricians are at high demand during Flu season. As you can see in the list of qualifiers, a good chunk of them are little children. Being that a pediatrician is a children’s doctor, from this article, I know that if I become a pediatrician, I will be busy at different points of my career when kids are in danger of getting sick. It lets me know that I am in the risk of catching different diseases from my patients. Basically, this article is giving me the physical risks of being a pediatrician. On the other hand, it increases my interest in this career, because by administering the Flu vaccine, I am helping to keep children safe.
Gehrke-White, D. (2002) . Ritalin needed to keep kids safe and Healthy, psychologist says . The Miami Herald . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that children should not be offered the same medicines as adults. In this case, Ritalin , a mental psychotropic drug is being argued over on whether it should be offered to children or not. Some say that Ritalin and other drugs should still be used and others argue that they are not necessary for little children. The ones that support Ritalin say that it is among a group of psychotropic drugs given to maintain or improve behavior, emotions or thinking. The ones that opposed Ritalin say that society also has to look at other problems contributing to children being hyperactive or having problems concentrating instead of just taking the easy way out and giving medication. The rhetorical trope that is used in proving this argument is logos. The writer uses a lot of facts to back up his main points such as: The Florida State Legislators and some statistics. By using logos and supporting both sides of the argument, it makes the argument unbiased and therefore everything is fair. The flaw in this argument lies in the fact that the author fails to mention or look into any scientific research that is trying to find an alternate for Ritalin . The article would have been much stronger had he have done that. This article taught me that to be a pediatrician you have to have some sort of patience. For example: if a child comes in with a sickness, you have to be willing to make some lifestyle changes and figure out the root of the problem before you take the easy way out and give medications.
Gillham, C. (2007). More than just Push-ups. Newsweek, 149(25) . Retrieved November 15, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that pediatricians hold a special significance in a child’s life. In this article, before the child could go lifting weights with a personal trainer, he had to go see a pediatrician. This shows that pediatricians serve a purpose in a child’s life. The rhetorical trope that it used in supporting this argument is ethos. Ethos is being used in the sense that the man’s father wanted to keep his child safe by taking extra precautions. He wanted to .let his son have a good time, but in a safe way. He is showing ethos, because he is showing good parenting skills. The flaw in this argument is that it does not include a standard workout routine for a boy his age. Had he have added the standard workout routine, he would have had a stronger argument. This article taught me that being a pediatrician is a big responsibility. They have to be ready for anything. All their patients look to them before they make any decisions that may affect them. They have to know the patient inside and out so they can prescribe the right medicines and make the correct lifestyle changes.
Goddard, J. (2005) . Children draw Real Darfur . Toronto Star . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that as a pediatrician, you have to be willing to expand your horizons and help out all the children of the world and not just the ones that willingly come to your office. She is showing that you are not just a doctor to America’s children, but to the whole world’s children. You always have to be ready to help and serve the less fortunate. The writer gets his or her point across by using ethos. The rhetorical trope, ethos, is being revealed through the fact that the pediatrician even went down there. It shows that she has a good character and that she is willing to leave her country, put her well-being on the line to help someone else. She is also using going to Darfur as a hands-on learning experience. By going down there, she is not only earning about the effects of the war on the children and their mental and physical wellness; She is learning about herself as an individual and also as a doctor. The flaws of this article lies in the fact that the words she used to describe the pictures were kind of flat. There was a lack of imagery. The imagery would have been stronger had she took time to describe the pictures that she saw on the walls and put some emotion behind it. She should have went beyond thinking literally and think figuratively. This article helped me to learn more about being a pediatrician. It made me understand that I will have to step out of my comfort zone ,if I want to gain more knowledge about being a pediatrician. It will not do anything but make me a stronger pediatrician.
Hansen, L. (2002) . Panel makes Recommendation on Cold Medicine . Weekend Edition Sunday . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that as a pediatrician, you have to do what’s right for the patient. Do not prescribe to another child what you would not prescribe to yours. Every child that walks into your office has to be treated with the same respect and feel the same love as your own children receive. This idea is being shown through the rhetorical trope, ethos. The doctors are showing good character in the sense that they are aware of what is going on in the medical world. If they were not aware of all the new scientific discoveries, they would not be able to help their patients as best as they could. So by finding out about it shows that they care about their patients just as much as they care for their own children. The flaw in this argument lies in the fact that she did not talk to enough people to get their insight on the topic. It was just one person’s opinion and that is not really fair, because not every pediatrician feels the same way. One person can not speak for all. However, this article did help me in the sense that I now know that everything that works for adults has the possibility of not working for children. The same organs might be present, but they work at a different pace.
Norris, M. (2004) . Flu Vaccine Surpluses . All Things Considered . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main point of this article is to indirectly inform the readers about the rules and guidelines of being a pediatrician or any kind of doctor. It is explaining that as a doctor, you have to abide by certain rules. That no matter how much you may care and want to help someone, if whatever they want to do is not within those rules ,then you can not do it under any circumstances. The rhetorical trope that was used in this situation was ethos. When the doctor refused to give the unqualifying child a Flu Vaccine, she is showing good character and therefore showing me and other readers interested in this career that if she was able to stand her ground then it should not be a problem for them. By showing good character, it definitely makes it easier for a reader to believe the things that she is saying and to take them into consideration. The flaws in this article lie in the fact that she did not go enough into detail as to what demographic they were going to give the extra vaccines to. To fix this flaw the writer should have followed up on the story and close the article in a convincing manner. However, this article was very helpful in the sense that it informed me about the mental requirements of being a pediatrician or any kind of doctor. For example: moral ethics, and strong-mindedness. The subject of this article is a pediatric administrator who ordered too many Flu Vaccines. She ended up not needing all of it and they expired and eventually went to waste. This is where moral ethics come into play. She ordered much more than she needed instead of taking just a small amount. By doing this, she shows me that I should not take more than I actually need. I should not be greedy, because I might take away from others who are less fortunate. As a pediatrician, this is helpful to me because everything is always limited and I can not afford to waste anything. Strong-mindedness shows when she refused to give the Flu Vaccine to the child that was not in high risk. She had to be strong in saying “NO”. It teaches me that there will always be patients that will want you to do things fro them that you know is dangerous for your career as well as their well-being.
Song, S . (2005) . Doctor‘s Orders. Time, 166(6) . Retrieved November 17, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that Pediatricians/Doctors have the power and right to refuse a patient that they feel they can not work with. In this article, the doctors were refusing to give service to parents who refused to give their child vaccinations. This action can be justified , because if the child does not receive a vaccination, they are at a bigger risk of getting serious illness that can affect them forever and in a worse way. The rhetorical trope that is used to prove this argument is ethos. This is proven by ethos, because the doctor is showing good character . He /she knows that if the child gets a vaccine it would be at a less risk of catching a deadly and harmful illness. So, the doctor is showing that he cares about the kid instead of being cold and arrogant towards the child. This action basically reinforces the powers that the doctor has. It makes his/her authority stronger and more respectable. The flaw in this argument lies in the fact that the writer did not have any statistics as to how many people were affected by this change. It failed to answer questions such as : Did the doctors who enforced this policy lose some of their patients? How did this new change affect the hospitals that these doctors worked in? Had the writer include the answer to these questions, the argument would be stronger. This article taught me that as a doctor, I have to put my moral values ahead of everything else. If I feel that something is not right, I should be able to say “NO” and stand up for what I believe. I should not make it easy for people to step in my way. If I know there is a situation where no one would benefit from it, I do not have to do it. It shows me that I have the right to refuse a patient if I feel like they are not doing the right thing. Basically, this article empowers me as a pediatrician or any kind of doctor.
Walencia, K. (2006) . So long, soda…hello, fruit . Good Housekeeping . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main idea of this article is that Pediatricians are partially responsible for the eating lifestyle of their patients. They have to help the parents get a kick start on raising the children on a good foundation. The writer proves this argument through the establishment of ethos. He uses ethos by building a relationship with the interviewer and including his own personal experiences. By doing this, he better convinces the interviewer as well as the readers. The flaw of this article lies in the fact that the writer over generalized and assumed that his ideas were going to work for every child out there. He did not focus on the fact that every child is different and responds to different things. To make the argument stronger, the writer should have focused on the different common types of kids and elaborate on how they respond to different eating habits. This article helped me to learn that as a pediatrician, you have to be able to organize things. In this article, Dr. Sears was able to put together a eating/lifestyle regimen for children. He shows that you have to know what children want and how they perceive things in order to help them make good decisions. You have to know what they are interested in to better persuade them to doing the right things.
Wetzstein, C. (2005) . Group changes tack on teen abstinence . The Washington Times . Retrieved November 14, 2008, from TOPICsearch database.
The main point of this article is that pediatricians, being that they still work with teenagers will always be critiqued, whether good or bad, on how they handle their teenage patients. In this case, The American Academy of Pediatrics changed their policy about promoting teen abstinence. At first, their policy was to promote teen abstinence, but they ended up changing it to promoting “safe sex” and offering contraceptives. The writer’s tool in proving her argument is diction. She uses quotes from other people’s critiques and thoughts on the situation to show how harsh they can get and that you have to be a strong person in order to deal with these critiques. She also collected different quotes to enhance the fact that people will feel differently about how you treat situations you come across. They either love you or hate you. The flaw in this argument lies in the fact that she did not include any statistics or facts to back up the arguments that were brought up. If she would have included facts and statistics, the audience would have been able to see the difference, if any at all, that their change in policy made in the lives of their teenage patients. Adding facts and statistics would have definitely made the argument stronger.
This article helped me to see the negative side/downfalls of being a pediatrician. It makes me to realize that someone will always be on my back and watching my every move and every decision that I make. But on the other hand, I still want to do this job: I will be changing and making easier the lives of teenagers.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Edgar Allan Poe Lit. Response
"I saw seven golden candlesticks; and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot and grit about the paps with a golden girdle" (Revelations). As you can see here, Edgar Allan Poe, in "The Pit and the Pendulum", used mainly the rhetorical device , imagery. He was able to vividly show and let the audience fell what the prisoner was feeling at that moment in time. The kind of suffering was unbearable . Jeanne M. Malloy, however, takes the idea of imagery one step further, and identified it as "apocalyptic imagery". In her analysis of "The Pit and The Pendulum", Malloy elaborates on this topic so thoroughly that it becomes the most significant main idea in her writing piece. Jeanne M. Malloy argues her main point of Poe's use of "apocalyptic imagery" by assessing the correlation in the events that occurred in the Book of Revelations to the events that occurred while the prisoner was going through his tough time. For example: The Seven Candles. In the opening of "The Pit and The Pendulum", the narrator sees seven candles and when he first saw them, he thought of angels wearing an aspect of charity and then turning into heads of flames. In Revelations, there were seven golden candlesticks who were also angels and had eyes as a flame of fire. Malloy felt that by Edgar Allan Poe including this in the opening of the story, he brings the readers into a nightmare world of punishment, dissolution, and death. He is introducing the audience into a world supplied with violence, pain and horror that the prisoner was feeling at that moment. Another correlation that was made by Jeanne M. Malloy is the fact that the Book of Revelation proclaims that that judgement and the destruction of the world will be followed by the creation of a new heaven and a new earth ; Edgar Allan Poe concludes "The Pit and The Pendulum" with blaring trumpets , "fiery walls and a thousand thunders". Malloy stated that a start of the second coming if Christ. Basically, there is a rebirth/resurrection. This ultimately goes back to the idea of apocalyptic imagery. Poe is implementing some of the things that occurred during the apocalypse into his writing. For example the darkness and the plagues. Edgar Allan Poe just chose to focus on the mental effects of things.
While Malloy may have had good arguments concerning Poe's writing, she still falls short in some areas. She definitely exhibited some flaws in her argument . Malloy , in her analysis, kept referring to Edgar Allan Poe's writing in "The Pit and The Pendulum " as inconsistent compared to his other pieces. It seemed like she was shunning the piece, because it was different. The flaw in her argument is that she failed to assess his personal life and situation at that moment in time that could have influenced his writing. There is no proof that she even took the time to evaluate his growth as a writer as well as an individual. Not having this makes her argument vague,because she is staying at the surface of the piece and really isn't asking herself why he could have veered away from his usual writing style. To make her argument stronger, she should have evaluated his growth and compare "The Pit and The Pendulum" to his other works and analyze how and why it was so inconsistent.
While Malloy may have had good arguments concerning Poe's writing, she still falls short in some areas. She definitely exhibited some flaws in her argument . Malloy , in her analysis, kept referring to Edgar Allan Poe's writing in "The Pit and The Pendulum " as inconsistent compared to his other pieces. It seemed like she was shunning the piece, because it was different. The flaw in her argument is that she failed to assess his personal life and situation at that moment in time that could have influenced his writing. There is no proof that she even took the time to evaluate his growth as a writer as well as an individual. Not having this makes her argument vague,because she is staying at the surface of the piece and really isn't asking herself why he could have veered away from his usual writing style. To make her argument stronger, she should have evaluated his growth and compare "The Pit and The Pendulum" to his other works and analyze how and why it was so inconsistent.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
" Biography of Kate Chopin"
Temmi Adeyeni
AP English 3
Biography vs. Fiction
Often times, authors of literary works reveal their inner thoughts and true feelings through their pieces. These viewpoints can be shown in the events that occur in the text, the characters, the setting, the scenery and the themes in the pieces. Writers that have been known to implement their inner selves in their work include: John Steinbeck and Kate Chopin. Steinbeck, in both The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, includes Salinas Valley. Salinas Valley is a perfect example of this, because it was a place of peace in both novels. The characters were able to go there and feel safe and secure; Salinas Valley was also a place where John Steinbeck, in his childhood, could go to have peace and serenity. In her literary works, on the other hand, Kate Chopin transforms the role of women in her life and communicates it through her writing. In her biography, one can conclude that she felt that women did not get enough credit for what they did in their family life as well as in their society. She does this in such works as Desiree's Baby and The Story of an Hour.
As seen in her biography, Chopin had been around women for most of her life. She saw what they had to go through while being thought of as inferior to men. This makes her more sensitive to this topic and therefore,wants it to be known. She felt that women did not get any credit for what they have accomplished in their society as well as in their family life. In her biography, the women were smarter, independent and stronger than the men. Though there were male influences around the women, the men did not really do much to support the ones "under" them. They were being lazy and just hung around like accesories. Chopin's great-great-grandmother raised five children while divorced. She also had a shipping business that prospered. Chopin's husband was not an able businessman and after he died, she had to take control of his business ventures while also raising five children on her own. There was a role reversal. The women became the ones that acted upon things instead of just talking about them. The women were smart, independent,strong and groundbreaking. Not to mention they were single women; proving that women did not really need any male influences to reach their goals and more. For example: Kate Chopin's writing career. She started her career while she was a widow and she ended up being very succesful. Despite all the hands that tried to pull her off her pedestal, she did not need any man to be there to validate her works. It can also be concluded in Kate Chopin's biography that women and men relied on different things to get what they wanted. Men relied more so on the physical aspects and women relied more on the mental aspects of things. For example: her biography did not really mention anything about men going to college and accomplishing anything academically. The men thought that they could and would bamboosle the women into being submissive by showing their muscles and using their voices to scare them. This did not work, because even if the women surrendered to the men, they were never quite submissive. They still had their strength and knowledge and with knowledge you can go anywhere and suceed.
In conclusion, Kate Chopin is reavealing what everyone else was trying to conceal in that moment in time. She wants these truths to be known, because she thought that women should get what is rightfully theirs, respect. This relates to "the cult of true womanhood",because Chopin is arguing that a woman should not be denied of her womanhood,because of the mistakes she had made in the past. She feels that the overall accomplishments of her should not be looked over, because of one mishap. She believes that everyone female is entitled to their sense of womanhood.
AP English 3
Biography vs. Fiction
Often times, authors of literary works reveal their inner thoughts and true feelings through their pieces. These viewpoints can be shown in the events that occur in the text, the characters, the setting, the scenery and the themes in the pieces. Writers that have been known to implement their inner selves in their work include: John Steinbeck and Kate Chopin. Steinbeck, in both The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, includes Salinas Valley. Salinas Valley is a perfect example of this, because it was a place of peace in both novels. The characters were able to go there and feel safe and secure; Salinas Valley was also a place where John Steinbeck, in his childhood, could go to have peace and serenity. In her literary works, on the other hand, Kate Chopin transforms the role of women in her life and communicates it through her writing. In her biography, one can conclude that she felt that women did not get enough credit for what they did in their family life as well as in their society. She does this in such works as Desiree's Baby and The Story of an Hour.
As seen in her biography, Chopin had been around women for most of her life. She saw what they had to go through while being thought of as inferior to men. This makes her more sensitive to this topic and therefore,wants it to be known. She felt that women did not get any credit for what they have accomplished in their society as well as in their family life. In her biography, the women were smarter, independent and stronger than the men. Though there were male influences around the women, the men did not really do much to support the ones "under" them. They were being lazy and just hung around like accesories. Chopin's great-great-grandmother raised five children while divorced. She also had a shipping business that prospered. Chopin's husband was not an able businessman and after he died, she had to take control of his business ventures while also raising five children on her own. There was a role reversal. The women became the ones that acted upon things instead of just talking about them. The women were smart, independent,strong and groundbreaking. Not to mention they were single women; proving that women did not really need any male influences to reach their goals and more. For example: Kate Chopin's writing career. She started her career while she was a widow and she ended up being very succesful. Despite all the hands that tried to pull her off her pedestal, she did not need any man to be there to validate her works. It can also be concluded in Kate Chopin's biography that women and men relied on different things to get what they wanted. Men relied more so on the physical aspects and women relied more on the mental aspects of things. For example: her biography did not really mention anything about men going to college and accomplishing anything academically. The men thought that they could and would bamboosle the women into being submissive by showing their muscles and using their voices to scare them. This did not work, because even if the women surrendered to the men, they were never quite submissive. They still had their strength and knowledge and with knowledge you can go anywhere and suceed.
In conclusion, Kate Chopin is reavealing what everyone else was trying to conceal in that moment in time. She wants these truths to be known, because she thought that women should get what is rightfully theirs, respect. This relates to "the cult of true womanhood",because Chopin is arguing that a woman should not be denied of her womanhood,because of the mistakes she had made in the past. She feels that the overall accomplishments of her should not be looked over, because of one mishap. She believes that everyone female is entitled to their sense of womanhood.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ain't I a Woman? comparison
In the revised version and original version of Sojourner Truth's speech , Aren't I a woman and Ain't I woman, there are a number of differences. Two significant differences lie in changes of language and lack of imagery. The difference that is more obvious to the reader is the lack of imagery. "Aren't I a Woman" fails to let the reader visualize the speech. It definitely makes it harder for the reader to answer questions such as: "where were they?", "Why did they let her as an African-American woman , speak?", " How did the audience react when she got up to speak?" This version takes away the authenticity of the speech. It fails to letting the readers realize how significant and mind-blowing the speech actually was. While on the other hand, "Ain't I a Woman", helps the readers understands the speech better. The fact that it had so much imagery, allows for the speech to capture the minds of the readers. It is more inspirational, because it described the situation Sojourner was in and makes her more of a brave person.
Aren't I a woman? Response
Sojourner Truth, was just one of a few women that stood up and acted upon what they believed. In 1851, Sojourner Truth gave a speech , at the Women's Rights Convention, This speech was named Aren't I a woman?; It was a counterargument aimed at a minister who claimed that women could not be equal to men, because Christ was not a woman. However, the purpose of this speech was to empower women. It was meant to reassure them that women deserved just as much rights as men.
Sojourner Truth's speech at the Women's Rights Convention was an informal speech; this worked in Truth's favor, because she was able to have a personal conversation with them. She used the call and response technique to make it seem that she is talking with the audience as opposed to talking at them. "what's this they call it? Intellect" That’s it honey" ( Truth pg. 423). When she called out to the audience and the lady responded, she is empowering the woman. The audience member was able to speak her mind without a man telling her to shut her mouth or without anybody telling her that her opinions did not make any sense. Nobody was there to take her confidence away and cause her to remain to herself. She was able to show the whole room that she was smart and was aware about the things around her. She was going against the stereotype of what women were expected to be. The women was not going to be subjected to any consequences that a man would have gave her for exposing her true self. By talking to them on a more personal level, Sojourner was able to give them a higher self-esteem and their shyness and timidness was taken away from them. She was now giving them back what every man that they ever had to endure had stripped them of. All the women felt that Sojourner Truth was a source of comfort and a fountain of trust. Therefore, they are being empowered; they feel that someone is on their side and advocating for them. Now that they have this, they can stand up for what they believe and if it does not work out, they have something to fall back on.
In conclusion, Sojourner Truth's purpose was thoroughly met. With the help of the call and response technique, she was able to empower the women in the room. One can clearly tell that she wanted to inspire the women and push them to be better than what men expect them to be. Reader's can tell that she is a strong, independent and devoted woman. She cared about other people and made sure she fulfilled something while she was alive.
Sojourner Truth's speech at the Women's Rights Convention was an informal speech; this worked in Truth's favor, because she was able to have a personal conversation with them. She used the call and response technique to make it seem that she is talking with the audience as opposed to talking at them. "what's this they call it? Intellect" That’s it honey" ( Truth pg. 423). When she called out to the audience and the lady responded, she is empowering the woman. The audience member was able to speak her mind without a man telling her to shut her mouth or without anybody telling her that her opinions did not make any sense. Nobody was there to take her confidence away and cause her to remain to herself. She was able to show the whole room that she was smart and was aware about the things around her. She was going against the stereotype of what women were expected to be. The women was not going to be subjected to any consequences that a man would have gave her for exposing her true self. By talking to them on a more personal level, Sojourner was able to give them a higher self-esteem and their shyness and timidness was taken away from them. She was now giving them back what every man that they ever had to endure had stripped them of. All the women felt that Sojourner Truth was a source of comfort and a fountain of trust. Therefore, they are being empowered; they feel that someone is on their side and advocating for them. Now that they have this, they can stand up for what they believe and if it does not work out, they have something to fall back on.
In conclusion, Sojourner Truth's purpose was thoroughly met. With the help of the call and response technique, she was able to empower the women in the room. One can clearly tell that she wanted to inspire the women and push them to be better than what men expect them to be. Reader's can tell that she is a strong, independent and devoted woman. She cared about other people and made sure she fulfilled something while she was alive.
Aren't I a Woman Questions 1,2,4
1. Sojourner Truth was responding to the minister, who had made the statement that women can not have the same rights as men, because Jesus was not a man.
2. Sojourner's arguments were examples of .( Ms.Brown, I don't understand this question)
4. The perceptions that I might have had if I was in the audience are that: she was a strong, independent and intelligient woman. She was definitely adamant about what she was saying and she wanted the audience members to act upon it and show their strength.
2. Sojourner's arguments were examples of .( Ms.Brown, I don't understand this question)
4. The perceptions that I might have had if I was in the audience are that: she was a strong, independent and intelligient woman. She was definitely adamant about what she was saying and she wanted the audience members to act upon it and show their strength.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass
When life experiences are recorded, they can sometimes be brought back alive in later times to change the lives of others. Experiences can be very good devices for revealing the truth and persuading people to live a certain way. Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass accomplished this through their novels Incidents of a slave girl and Life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave. Though they have differing struggles, these two authors come together in the sense that they are writing to argue the fact that white Americans are blinded to what really goes on within a plantation. They both establish ethos through the validation of their stories by white authors.
“Again we have known you long, and can put the most entire confidence in your truth” (Wendell Phillips). The readers, who were predominantly white, were reassured that the text that they were going to read was real and had truths within it. It would have been very hard for them to accept these novels if they did not have a stamp of approval on it by a white reader. They would have felt that it was not anything of value and would have completely disregarded it. In the 1800s, there was a constant debate on whether slavery was justifiable or not. Most white civilians were constantly being bombarded with the idea that slaves lived a happy life. These authors attempted to overturn these ideas by telling their life stories. Because it definitely would have been easy to lie and twist events, they had to have people on their side that knew their situations to get their book published so that the truth could be known. This person had to have dwelled in the intellectual society and have a good reputation. This individual had to have known how sensible and brilliant the author was, because if they were smart themselves, they would not just let any piece of writing be published. They had to have evaluated it and did their research to make sure everything was right. They are establishing ethos, because they are very responsible and they know that if they are going to be represented, it will have to be on something of value and not just some piece of garbage. Pushing the idea of ethos even farther, these authors did not have to let their personal lives out like they did, they could have just sat back and not speak up for what they believed. This would have made them bad civilians with no backbone; instead, they decided to speak up, which makes them more respectable.
To conclude, your life experience can only be used as a learning tool for others if you let it be known. If you sit back and endure every piece of injustice that is thrown at you, you will never survive in this world. You will deteriorate both physically and mentally and die in vain, because you have not made a difference in anybody’s life. You will have nothing to be proud of yourself about.
“Again we have known you long, and can put the most entire confidence in your truth” (Wendell Phillips). The readers, who were predominantly white, were reassured that the text that they were going to read was real and had truths within it. It would have been very hard for them to accept these novels if they did not have a stamp of approval on it by a white reader. They would have felt that it was not anything of value and would have completely disregarded it. In the 1800s, there was a constant debate on whether slavery was justifiable or not. Most white civilians were constantly being bombarded with the idea that slaves lived a happy life. These authors attempted to overturn these ideas by telling their life stories. Because it definitely would have been easy to lie and twist events, they had to have people on their side that knew their situations to get their book published so that the truth could be known. This person had to have dwelled in the intellectual society and have a good reputation. This individual had to have known how sensible and brilliant the author was, because if they were smart themselves, they would not just let any piece of writing be published. They had to have evaluated it and did their research to make sure everything was right. They are establishing ethos, because they are very responsible and they know that if they are going to be represented, it will have to be on something of value and not just some piece of garbage. Pushing the idea of ethos even farther, these authors did not have to let their personal lives out like they did, they could have just sat back and not speak up for what they believed. This would have made them bad civilians with no backbone; instead, they decided to speak up, which makes them more respectable.
To conclude, your life experience can only be used as a learning tool for others if you let it be known. If you sit back and endure every piece of injustice that is thrown at you, you will never survive in this world. You will deteriorate both physically and mentally and die in vain, because you have not made a difference in anybody’s life. You will have nothing to be proud of yourself about.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Negro spiritual: Hush somebody's calling my name including my new stanza
Hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name
Hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name.
I hear a voice so sweet an’ clear
Calling me angel an’ a honey dear
Well, whoa-ho, hush, hush
Whoa-ho, hush, hush
Whoa-ho, hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name.
Hush, I say hush
Somebody's calling my name
Whoa-o-o, won't you hush
Somebody's calling my name.
If it's the girl I've been searching for
I'll tell the world I won’t-a search no more
Now, whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name.
Well, talk to my mother wouldn't do me no good
Talk to my brother wouldn't do me no good
I talked to the gypsy and she said, Rejoice
You’ll know your lover by the sound of his voice.
So hush, I say hush
Somebody's calling my name
Whoa now listen, won't you hush
Somebody's calling my name.
I see my baby up on a hill
I love her now and I always will
So whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name, yeah …
Somebody’s calling my name, yeah …
Somebody’s calling my name, yeah …
Somebody’s calling my name.
She's here for me, I'm here for her
Like a child and his mother
I'll comfort her always and forever
Yea whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name, yeah … (This is my verse)
Somebody's calling my name
Hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name.
I hear a voice so sweet an’ clear
Calling me angel an’ a honey dear
Well, whoa-ho, hush, hush
Whoa-ho, hush, hush
Whoa-ho, hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name.
Hush, I say hush
Somebody's calling my name
Whoa-o-o, won't you hush
Somebody's calling my name.
If it's the girl I've been searching for
I'll tell the world I won’t-a search no more
Now, whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name.
Well, talk to my mother wouldn't do me no good
Talk to my brother wouldn't do me no good
I talked to the gypsy and she said, Rejoice
You’ll know your lover by the sound of his voice.
So hush, I say hush
Somebody's calling my name
Whoa now listen, won't you hush
Somebody's calling my name.
I see my baby up on a hill
I love her now and I always will
So whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name, yeah …
Somebody’s calling my name, yeah …
Somebody’s calling my name, yeah …
Somebody’s calling my name.
She's here for me, I'm here for her
Like a child and his mother
I'll comfort her always and forever
Yea whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Whoa-ho hush, hush
Somebody's calling my name, yeah … (This is my verse)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Temmi Adeyeni
AP English 3
M. Brown
If I change myself to become you, am I me or am I you ? If I am you, then who I am ? The big question that we have to ask ourselves when we are teenagers. Who do we want to become in life and how do we want people to perceive us? It may seem like something trivial, but this is where a lot of teenagers experience their downfalls. If they do not look into themselves and see what they are really about and nipping this problem at the root, it can possibly affect them in their adult life. This is the problem that Ralph Waldo Emerson addresses in his series of essays titled Self-Reliance. Emerson believes that self trust and self-reliance not only goes for people as individuals, but it affects the government as well. Emerson reveals his perspective through a variety of ways, but mostly through his diction.
“ To-morrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another”(Self-Reliance). If you lose the sense of who you are, then you do not know what to think and soon you will have to look to others for what to think and how to behave. Therefore you will become those people. If everyone is looking to each other, there is no sense of peculiarity. Nothing would change or evolve whatsoever. Nobody would get along. As the saying goes, opposites attract. Well, if there are no opposites and everybody is exactly alike , there would be a myriad of unresolved conflicts. Everything would be discombobulated and nothing would get done. This leads nowhere. This relates to the government, because you will be easier to brainwash. You would listen to everything you heard on the news and would not do your research to make sure what you just heard made sense. You would not even know what trouble you may have just gotten yourself into by taking action to everything you heard in the media. When Emerson uses the phrase “ masterly good sense” he is referring to the government . It will appear to be smarter and much more wiser, but in reality it really is not. It is just using psychological tricks to make someone less educated buy into whatever they are trying to sell. If the individual is not standing strong and steady, they can fall into the traps set up by the government and eventually lose themselves. “ That imitation is suicide”(Self-Reliance). Emerson is stating that if you continue to try your hardest at being someone else, the person that you were born to be will no longer live. It will perish forever. You will be killing yourself. By the time that you come back and realize the mistake you made, it will be too late. Same applies to the government. If the government and nation as a whole is looking at other nations and is consistently trying to be like them, it will eventually fall into pieces. There will be no sense of control and everyone will go bonkers. No one will have priorities, and as it is known now to be, the nation will fall apart.
In conclusion, Emerson’s message to the readers of this essay is to just live the life you were born with and fulfill the what you were destined to be. Don’t look to others on what you should do in any moment in time, but to trust yourself in whatever decisions you make. If more people were willing to live their lives like this, some of the trouble that exist in this world today would have no place to grow.
AP English 3
M. Brown
If I change myself to become you, am I me or am I you ? If I am you, then who I am ? The big question that we have to ask ourselves when we are teenagers. Who do we want to become in life and how do we want people to perceive us? It may seem like something trivial, but this is where a lot of teenagers experience their downfalls. If they do not look into themselves and see what they are really about and nipping this problem at the root, it can possibly affect them in their adult life. This is the problem that Ralph Waldo Emerson addresses in his series of essays titled Self-Reliance. Emerson believes that self trust and self-reliance not only goes for people as individuals, but it affects the government as well. Emerson reveals his perspective through a variety of ways, but mostly through his diction.
“ To-morrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another”(Self-Reliance). If you lose the sense of who you are, then you do not know what to think and soon you will have to look to others for what to think and how to behave. Therefore you will become those people. If everyone is looking to each other, there is no sense of peculiarity. Nothing would change or evolve whatsoever. Nobody would get along. As the saying goes, opposites attract. Well, if there are no opposites and everybody is exactly alike , there would be a myriad of unresolved conflicts. Everything would be discombobulated and nothing would get done. This leads nowhere. This relates to the government, because you will be easier to brainwash. You would listen to everything you heard on the news and would not do your research to make sure what you just heard made sense. You would not even know what trouble you may have just gotten yourself into by taking action to everything you heard in the media. When Emerson uses the phrase “ masterly good sense” he is referring to the government . It will appear to be smarter and much more wiser, but in reality it really is not. It is just using psychological tricks to make someone less educated buy into whatever they are trying to sell. If the individual is not standing strong and steady, they can fall into the traps set up by the government and eventually lose themselves. “ That imitation is suicide”(Self-Reliance). Emerson is stating that if you continue to try your hardest at being someone else, the person that you were born to be will no longer live. It will perish forever. You will be killing yourself. By the time that you come back and realize the mistake you made, it will be too late. Same applies to the government. If the government and nation as a whole is looking at other nations and is consistently trying to be like them, it will eventually fall into pieces. There will be no sense of control and everyone will go bonkers. No one will have priorities, and as it is known now to be, the nation will fall apart.
In conclusion, Emerson’s message to the readers of this essay is to just live the life you were born with and fulfill the what you were destined to be. Don’t look to others on what you should do in any moment in time, but to trust yourself in whatever decisions you make. If more people were willing to live their lives like this, some of the trouble that exist in this world today would have no place to grow.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
"The slave Dream"
Temmi Adeyeni
AP English 3
Ms. Brown
The Slaves Dream by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of somebody who is sleeping, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places, and events. Dreams, as defined in the Microsoft word dictionary. Dreams are known to be what human beings see and experience during the unconscious state of sleep. According to Hartmann, dreams may function like psychotherapy, by "making connections in a safe place" and allowing the dreamer to integrate thoughts that may be dissociated during waking life. This fact is connected with the poem The Slaves Dream, because the slave in the poem was using his dream as a safe haven from whatever troubles he was having. Through this, Longfellow reveals his purpose for writing this poem. He is communicating that his opinion about slaves is that they are getting treated very harshly. One way that he makes his purpose known is through his diction.
AP English 3
Ms. Brown
The Slaves Dream by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of somebody who is sleeping, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places, and events. Dreams, as defined in the Microsoft word dictionary. Dreams are known to be what human beings see and experience during the unconscious state of sleep. According to Hartmann, dreams may function like psychotherapy, by "making connections in a safe place" and allowing the dreamer to integrate thoughts that may be dissociated during waking life. This fact is connected with the poem The Slaves Dream, because the slave in the poem was using his dream as a safe haven from whatever troubles he was having. Through this, Longfellow reveals his purpose for writing this poem. He is communicating that his opinion about slaves is that they are getting treated very harshly. One way that he makes his purpose known is through his diction.
“Once more a king he strode; He saw once more his dark-eyed queen… a tear burst from the sleeper's lids… He did not feel the driver's whip,Nor the burning heat of day” (Longfellow). Through the dream, the slave was able to forget everything and he became a whole new person. He felt like he was now worth something. He was a king, who had his beautiful queen and children around him. He also felt like a man for the first time since he has been a slave. He was now the dominant one. He felt wanted and had a sense of affection. Someone was now there to support him and all the moves he makes. Longfellow says “ a tear burst from the sleeper's lids” , because the slave was wondering why he could not have this in his reality. It was making him sad that he couldn’t obtain this feeling in his real life. He uses the word “burst” because, he wants the reader to know that the slave has been holding back for so long and now he is at his breaking point. All his pain and painstaking labor had came through in this one burst. One can infer that they were being treated harshly, because the slave himself had to look internally for comfort. He had nothing and no one to hold on to on the outside. “ He did not feel the driver's whip, Nor the burning heat of day;” (Longfellow). This is exactly what he was trying to accomplish by having this dream. He became numb by this dream and all his struggles and painstaking labor seem to now have disappeared.
In conclusion, in writing this poem, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow lets the world know how he feels about how slaves were being treated in that era. He demonstrates this through the slave he wrote about in The Slaves Dream.
The slave uses his dreams to escape the harshness of the slave masters. He uses it as an escape route to revisiting his manhood. He used his dreams as a safe haven for his problems.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Gettysburg Adress
1. Abraham Lincoln doesn't really mention anything about the people who were fighting. He doesn't provide any preference as to who they are and what they look like. He doesn't give any details.
2. The purpose of this last sentence is that Lincoln fears that respect should be given to the men that fought for the "freedom" of their country. The literary tool that he uses to persuade the people was pathos. He uses emotion to establish the fact the people the people that died didn't have to give their lives for the sake of others. Lincoln evokes an emotion of sorrow. He pushes them towards fighting harder and not letting all the hard work of the deaceased go to waste. If I was to add something to the sentence it would be "... But they shall live on forever and forever more.
3. Well, both the documents were written to establish freedom for the Americans. The similarities between abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson is that they both explain and justify how their ideas are the best and why everyone should believe them and not everybody else. The Declaration of Independence had more of a serious tone and strict tone. It was basically attacking the king. The Gettysburg Address is more persuasive and way more softer and acceptable of people and their decisions.
4. The speeches that I've heard can compare to the Gettysburg Address in the sense that they use pathos and ethos to prove their point. They also use facts to back up their points ans arguments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Scarlet Letter Study Guide Questions
1. What is the primary purpose for the Custom House Introduction?
2. What significant change does Hawthorne admit to making in telling the story contained in the diary?
3.What potential impact will this change have on the story?
1. The primary purpose for the Custom House Introduction is for Nathaniel Hawthorne to inform the audience that he is not trying to offend anyone. He accomplishes this by establishing ethos. "But as thoughts are frozen and utterance benumbed...but still keep the inmost Me behind its veil...methinks maybe autobiographical without violating either the reader's rights or his own". He uses the phrase "Keep the inmost Me behind its veil" to show that though he is the author of this novel, he is speaking through another person and his innermost thoughts and opinions are still going to be behind a veil . He does this to show that if he lets everyone know about his innermost thoughts, someone is going to be hurt. He is expressing ethos, because he could have just been a careless self-centered person; He took people's emotions into consideration.
He is just trying to reassure to the readers that anything that they read in this novel is not meant to hurt anyone. He is just trying to inform people about his experiences and the things that he has seen. He wants people to know what his experiences mean to him and how they've affected him. Through this novel, the audience is tapping into his mind and see how he thinks. It also shows how he reacts to things. He knows that he is taking a risk by exposing himself to outsiders who don't know him from previously. This is why a part of him will be behind a veil.
2. The significant change that Nathaniel Hawthorne admits to making is that he is going to tweak the story a little bit. He is going to put his own twist on some of the things that were written in the story of Hester Prynne. "That the main facts of that story are authorized and authenticated by the document of Mr. Surveyor Pue"(Hawthorne 32). Nathaniel Hawthorne is just going to take away the beef and meat of the story. When I say "meat" I mean that he is going to take away all the small details and change it around and rearrange it a bit. He is going to put in some of his life experiences and work them into the original story. The theme and the main ideas will remain the same, but the details will change.
" What I contend for is the authenticity of the outline"(Hawthorne 32). Nathaniel Hawthorne's main objective is to keep the genuinity of the story alive. One can clearly tell that Hawthorne respects Hester Prynne. He definitely does not want to take credit for her work . He wants her thoughts and experiences to stay alive. Hawthorne might have rearranged this story,because he wants people to identify with it more in the time frame that he is dwelling in. The original story was written way before Nathaniel Hawthorne,so the people in the new era would feel like a stranger to the events that went on on in the novel. This is the main reason he made his changes.
3. The potential impact that this change will have on the story is that it is going to make it more interesting to the audience. Instead of just bare facts, For example: this happened ,then that happened. Nathaniel Hawthorne fattens the story up with lots of rhetorical elements. It draws the audience in and it keeps them interested. By changing the story, Nathaniel Hawthorne will be able to reach out to the audience. He can make it so that the audience can experience the story line. It would make the story even more realistic.
By changing the story line, Nathaniel Hawthorne will be able to fit it perfectly to the wants and needs of that particular era. That era will be able to relate more to what is going on. They would relate better, because those events are what they are also going through. Hawthorne would also be able to let people see a little part of himself. He does this the same way that the original writer first did to the story. Overall, the major impact is that the audience can be able to relate to it more.
2. What significant change does Hawthorne admit to making in telling the story contained in the diary?
3.What potential impact will this change have on the story?
1. The primary purpose for the Custom House Introduction is for Nathaniel Hawthorne to inform the audience that he is not trying to offend anyone. He accomplishes this by establishing ethos. "But as thoughts are frozen and utterance benumbed...but still keep the inmost Me behind its veil...methinks maybe autobiographical without violating either the reader's rights or his own". He uses the phrase "Keep the inmost Me behind its veil" to show that though he is the author of this novel, he is speaking through another person and his innermost thoughts and opinions are still going to be behind a veil . He does this to show that if he lets everyone know about his innermost thoughts, someone is going to be hurt. He is expressing ethos, because he could have just been a careless self-centered person; He took people's emotions into consideration.
He is just trying to reassure to the readers that anything that they read in this novel is not meant to hurt anyone. He is just trying to inform people about his experiences and the things that he has seen. He wants people to know what his experiences mean to him and how they've affected him. Through this novel, the audience is tapping into his mind and see how he thinks. It also shows how he reacts to things. He knows that he is taking a risk by exposing himself to outsiders who don't know him from previously. This is why a part of him will be behind a veil.
2. The significant change that Nathaniel Hawthorne admits to making is that he is going to tweak the story a little bit. He is going to put his own twist on some of the things that were written in the story of Hester Prynne. "That the main facts of that story are authorized and authenticated by the document of Mr. Surveyor Pue"(Hawthorne 32). Nathaniel Hawthorne is just going to take away the beef and meat of the story. When I say "meat" I mean that he is going to take away all the small details and change it around and rearrange it a bit. He is going to put in some of his life experiences and work them into the original story. The theme and the main ideas will remain the same, but the details will change.
" What I contend for is the authenticity of the outline"(Hawthorne 32). Nathaniel Hawthorne's main objective is to keep the genuinity of the story alive. One can clearly tell that Hawthorne respects Hester Prynne. He definitely does not want to take credit for her work . He wants her thoughts and experiences to stay alive. Hawthorne might have rearranged this story,because he wants people to identify with it more in the time frame that he is dwelling in. The original story was written way before Nathaniel Hawthorne,so the people in the new era would feel like a stranger to the events that went on on in the novel. This is the main reason he made his changes.
3. The potential impact that this change will have on the story is that it is going to make it more interesting to the audience. Instead of just bare facts, For example: this happened ,then that happened. Nathaniel Hawthorne fattens the story up with lots of rhetorical elements. It draws the audience in and it keeps them interested. By changing the story, Nathaniel Hawthorne will be able to reach out to the audience. He can make it so that the audience can experience the story line. It would make the story even more realistic.
By changing the story line, Nathaniel Hawthorne will be able to fit it perfectly to the wants and needs of that particular era. That era will be able to relate more to what is going on. They would relate better, because those events are what they are also going through. Hawthorne would also be able to let people see a little part of himself. He does this the same way that the original writer first did to the story. Overall, the major impact is that the audience can be able to relate to it more.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ane Bradstreet: To my Dear and Loving Husband
Temmi Adeyeni
Ms. Brown
AP English III
Anne Bradstreet: To My Dear and Loving Husband
Anne Bradstreet’s poem, To My Dear and Loving Husband, is just Anne Bradstreet’s way of expressing her love for her husband Simon. Knowing from her biography, her husband, Simon was her strength and her backbone. When she came to the New World the things that were going on around her overwhelmed her. Whether it was the fact that she had to take care of eight children on her own or all the diseases that wanted to take a hold of her and her family. Though her husband, Simon, was not there to help (due to the fact that he was a man in that era and that he was protecting and helping to hold up the Puritan beliefs) her take care of the children she still loved him. The main argument presented to the reader in this poem is that she holds the love that she has for her dear and loving husband, Simon, very close to her heart and that no one thing, person, or situation can ever come between their loves or replace what they have together. She proves this argument by establishing pathos. “I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold Or all the riches the East doth hold” (Anne Bradstreet 1608). Here, she is saying that the love that she has for her husband surpasses any other valuables that the world may have. She uses gold, because gold is very valuable. Gold at that moment in time was a sign of wealth. It was known of as monetary value. Anybody who had gold at that time was well respected and looked up to. So therefore, if she values the love that she has for her husband more than gold, it means that she respects it and she cares for it a whole lot. That line just validates how she feels for her husband. She would rather have the love of her husband rather than all of the riches of the east. She also justifies her point by saying that she prizes her love more than all the riches of the east. Back then, the east was the “Mecca” of the European society. All of the valuable goods were coming from Asia. Goods that include spices and fragrances. Those were the most prized possessions of that time. Anne Bradstreet clearly does not care about these things all that she cares about is the love of her husband. It really hits home, because at this point in her life you would have thought that she would really be more interested in the pursuit of the wealth and the riches rather than the love of her husband. In including the preceding line, she establishes ethos and therefore proves her argument and makes it more believable. In Conclusion, Anne Bradstreet expresses the love that she has for her husband by using ethos and comparing it to things that are much more valuable to others.
Ms. Brown
AP English III
Anne Bradstreet: To My Dear and Loving Husband
Anne Bradstreet’s poem, To My Dear and Loving Husband, is just Anne Bradstreet’s way of expressing her love for her husband Simon. Knowing from her biography, her husband, Simon was her strength and her backbone. When she came to the New World the things that were going on around her overwhelmed her. Whether it was the fact that she had to take care of eight children on her own or all the diseases that wanted to take a hold of her and her family. Though her husband, Simon, was not there to help (due to the fact that he was a man in that era and that he was protecting and helping to hold up the Puritan beliefs) her take care of the children she still loved him. The main argument presented to the reader in this poem is that she holds the love that she has for her dear and loving husband, Simon, very close to her heart and that no one thing, person, or situation can ever come between their loves or replace what they have together. She proves this argument by establishing pathos. “I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold Or all the riches the East doth hold” (Anne Bradstreet 1608). Here, she is saying that the love that she has for her husband surpasses any other valuables that the world may have. She uses gold, because gold is very valuable. Gold at that moment in time was a sign of wealth. It was known of as monetary value. Anybody who had gold at that time was well respected and looked up to. So therefore, if she values the love that she has for her husband more than gold, it means that she respects it and she cares for it a whole lot. That line just validates how she feels for her husband. She would rather have the love of her husband rather than all of the riches of the east. She also justifies her point by saying that she prizes her love more than all the riches of the east. Back then, the east was the “Mecca” of the European society. All of the valuable goods were coming from Asia. Goods that include spices and fragrances. Those were the most prized possessions of that time. Anne Bradstreet clearly does not care about these things all that she cares about is the love of her husband. It really hits home, because at this point in her life you would have thought that she would really be more interested in the pursuit of the wealth and the riches rather than the love of her husband. In including the preceding line, she establishes ethos and therefore proves her argument and makes it more believable. In Conclusion, Anne Bradstreet expresses the love that she has for her husband by using ethos and comparing it to things that are much more valuable to others.
Anne Bradstreet Biography Summarization
Anne Bradstreet who was born as Ann Dudley,was born in England in the year 1612. Because she was a woman,she did not have the opportunity to have an education as good as the men.Her father was her tutor and taught her everything that she needed to know. When she got married in 1628,her father and husband joined a group of men whose goals were to protect the puritan values. In result of this, they moved to the New World. When she got to the New World she was overwhelmed. She had the responsibilities of raisng eight children in trhe midst of all the illnesses floating around in the air. One thing that really irked her was the bias that was between men and women. The women were treated like accesories and just the homemaker,they were not being respected This whole situation just gave f her inspiration on what to write her poems about. Another source of inspiration was the relationship that she had with her husband simon. He was the main source of her love poems.
Anne Bradstreet who was born as Ann Dudley,was born in England in the year 1612. Because she was a woman,she did not have the opportunity to have an education as good as the men.Her father was her tutor and taught her everything that she needed to know. When she got married in 1628,her father and husband joined a group of men whose goals were to protect the puritan values. In result of this, they moved to the New World. When she got to the New World she was overwhelmed. She had the responsibilities of raisng eight children in trhe midst of all the illnesses floating around in the air. One thing that really irked her was the bias that was between men and women. The women were treated like accesories and just the homemaker,they were not being respected This whole situation just gave f her inspiration on what to write her poems about. Another source of inspiration was the relationship that she had with her husband simon. He was the main source of her love poems.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca (Image Analysis)
" When...Blood flowed from us in many places where the thorns and shrubs tore our flesh. At times, when my turn came to gather the wood and I had collected it at heavy costs in only solace was to think of the sufferings of our Redeemer,Jesus Christ, and the blood he had shed for me. How much worse must have been his torment from the thorns than mine here"(Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca ).Wow. My view on Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca's letters was that he thought of himself as a savior. In the preceding quote he is indirectly comparing himself to Jesus Christ. De Vaca,in his letters uses words like "thorns,flesh,blood,sufferings,shed,torment", the thing that these words have in common is that they all have something to do with feeling and bearing pain. In this case,bearing the pain of others. As you can see in this image, Jesus has cuts that are exuding with blood on his body, and his skin looks abnormal. Just looking at him you see the pain on him, you are able to see how he is feeling. He is in agony. He is uncomfortable in the position that he is in,you can definitely tell that he is suffering.The people that he was saving was all of mankind. He sacrificed his life and shed his blood just to make sure that all of our sins were forgiven. He didn't have to do that. One can conclude that Cabeza De Vaca thinks of himself as equal to Jesus, our Lord and our Savior. He feels that being in captivity and having to live with these Native Americans and going by their customs is a way of saving his homeland. He expresses this through the last line of his quote."How much worse must have been his torment form the thorns than mines here". (Cabeza De Vaca). He didn't have to go explore the New World, but he did because he was willing to sacrifice his life and self-respect for the benefit of his country. He is bearing the pain of his country,which rightfully belonged to Charles V. His main purpose for writing this letter is to gain the respect of the king of Spain. He wants him to know that his expedition was extremely arduous and that he did his absolute best to complete what he set out to accomplish. He feels he should not receive a lot of criticism for not completing his task but that he should receive some sort of praise for how hard he tried.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Christopher Columbus (Image analysis)
"From letter to Luis de Santangel, Regarding the 1st Voyage"
This image represents my view on Christophers Columbus' letters, because it goes back to how Christopher Columbus was able to allow the audience to visualize what the New World was like. Christopher Columbus describes this world as bountiful, plentiful and full of abundance. This is clearly visible in the image,because when you think of plentiful and abundance you think colorful, and a positive environment.This image just brings to life what he made the New world to be, Paradise.
Another way that this image represents my view of the letters is that, Christopher Columbus looks very much in control. His stance makes the audience realize that he is the leader and noone can hold him back. If you look closely at his facial expression, he seems to be puzzled about his discovery. He is looks this way,because he did not find what he was expecting. He was expecting to find Asia, when he found the New World, he thought that it would be even better than Asia. That is his objective for writing this letter.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Christopher Columbus
Temmi Adeyeni
M.Brown Per.11
AP English 3
“Christopher Columbus: from letter to Luis de Santangel, Regarding the 1st Voyage”
In Christopher Columbus’ letter to Luis de Santangel, he tells him all about his experiences in the New World. He comes across as being excited and proud of himself, because of the discovery he had made. One can conclude this through the way he describes everything he sees. The main argument in his letter is that the world he had just discovered is bountiful, plentiful and full of abundance. It is a place of endless land. He proves and makes sense of his argument using imagery. He uses colorful and vivacious words that are very attractive and appealing to the mind. “All the most beautiful, of a thousand shapes; and all are accessible and filled with trees of a thousand kinds and tall and they seem to touch the sky” (Christopher Columbus 1451-1506). This line is significant, because it expresses that this place is untouched, like a virgin land. Because this place is far and wide and spacious, he feels that there are no boundaries to what this place can become in the future. One can tell that this place gives him a sense of freedom. He is free to explore this land wherever and whenever he wants. This is important to him, because he wants to be known as the founder of something great. He wants to be recognized. “And some of them were flowering some bearing fruit, and some in another stage, according to their nature. And the nightingale was singing and other birds of a thousand kinds… There are six and eight kinds of palms, which are a wonder to behold on account of their beautiful variety, but so are the other trees and fruits and plants. In it are marvelous pine groves, and there are very large tracts of cultivatable lands, and there is honey and there are birds of many kinds and fruits in great diversity. In the interior are mines of metals…Espanola is a marvel” (Christopher Columbus 1451-1506). He describes what this land is like. He makes it seem like this place is like a wonderland and somewhat surreal. He is very intrigued by how everything is so much different from his homeland. He never knew that such a place existed and it was just refreshing to see and experience. He states that the land is fertile, meaning that it is very tangible and a lot could be done with it. This place has many different things. No two things are alike. This makes everything even more interesting, because everywhere you turn there is something different. He wants his audience to be wowed by his expedition, because he wants to be portrayed as a legend and someone who would matter later on in life. He wants to be a part of a prestigious and noble society. He wants people to look up to him and to want to follow his example.
In conclusion, Christopher Columbus portrays this new world as a fantasy world, as if it was Heaven. He effectively uses imagery, because he is appealing to some of our five senses. He describes his escapades and observations in detail. He does a fantastic job at drawing in his audience and keeping them interested in what he has to say. The way he approached this is by putting himself in their shoes. He has to make this place seem as real as he can to people that are reading it and not actually there. He has to make it believable. He puts an enthusiastic emotion behind his words, which works in his advantage.
M.Brown Per.11
AP English 3
“Christopher Columbus: from letter to Luis de Santangel, Regarding the 1st Voyage”
In Christopher Columbus’ letter to Luis de Santangel, he tells him all about his experiences in the New World. He comes across as being excited and proud of himself, because of the discovery he had made. One can conclude this through the way he describes everything he sees. The main argument in his letter is that the world he had just discovered is bountiful, plentiful and full of abundance. It is a place of endless land. He proves and makes sense of his argument using imagery. He uses colorful and vivacious words that are very attractive and appealing to the mind. “All the most beautiful, of a thousand shapes; and all are accessible and filled with trees of a thousand kinds and tall and they seem to touch the sky” (Christopher Columbus 1451-1506). This line is significant, because it expresses that this place is untouched, like a virgin land. Because this place is far and wide and spacious, he feels that there are no boundaries to what this place can become in the future. One can tell that this place gives him a sense of freedom. He is free to explore this land wherever and whenever he wants. This is important to him, because he wants to be known as the founder of something great. He wants to be recognized. “And some of them were flowering some bearing fruit, and some in another stage, according to their nature. And the nightingale was singing and other birds of a thousand kinds… There are six and eight kinds of palms, which are a wonder to behold on account of their beautiful variety, but so are the other trees and fruits and plants. In it are marvelous pine groves, and there are very large tracts of cultivatable lands, and there is honey and there are birds of many kinds and fruits in great diversity. In the interior are mines of metals…Espanola is a marvel” (Christopher Columbus 1451-1506). He describes what this land is like. He makes it seem like this place is like a wonderland and somewhat surreal. He is very intrigued by how everything is so much different from his homeland. He never knew that such a place existed and it was just refreshing to see and experience. He states that the land is fertile, meaning that it is very tangible and a lot could be done with it. This place has many different things. No two things are alike. This makes everything even more interesting, because everywhere you turn there is something different. He wants his audience to be wowed by his expedition, because he wants to be portrayed as a legend and someone who would matter later on in life. He wants to be a part of a prestigious and noble society. He wants people to look up to him and to want to follow his example.
In conclusion, Christopher Columbus portrays this new world as a fantasy world, as if it was Heaven. He effectively uses imagery, because he is appealing to some of our five senses. He describes his escapades and observations in detail. He does a fantastic job at drawing in his audience and keeping them interested in what he has to say. The way he approached this is by putting himself in their shoes. He has to make this place seem as real as he can to people that are reading it and not actually there. He has to make it believable. He puts an enthusiastic emotion behind his words, which works in his advantage.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Apply: Write a simile comparing a tree with a domesticated animal. In your simile,use a word that is normally used as a noun(like lipstick)as an adjective (like lipsticked). Share your simile with the class.
"An olive tree like a producted ant"
An olive tree is very productive ,because the olive oil can be used for various thing such as: quenching thirst, cooking with and it can also aid in the growing of hair and many more. An ant is also very poductive in the sense of gathering food and getting themselves ready for the winter.
"An olive tree like a producted ant"
An olive tree is very productive ,because the olive oil can be used for various thing such as: quenching thirst, cooking with and it can also aid in the growing of hair and many more. An ant is also very poductive in the sense of gathering food and getting themselves ready for the winter.
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