Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Scarlet Letter Study Guide Questions

1. What is the primary purpose for the Custom House Introduction?
2. What significant change does Hawthorne admit to making in telling the story contained in the diary?
3.What potential impact will this change have on the story?

1. The primary purpose for the Custom House Introduction is for Nathaniel Hawthorne to inform the audience that he is not trying to offend anyone. He accomplishes this by establishing ethos. "But as thoughts are frozen and utterance benumbed...but still keep the inmost Me behind its veil...methinks maybe autobiographical without violating either the reader's rights or his own". He uses the phrase "Keep the inmost Me behind its veil" to show that though he is the author of this novel, he is speaking through another person and his innermost thoughts and opinions are still going to be behind a veil . He does this to show that if he lets everyone know about his innermost thoughts, someone is going to be hurt. He is expressing ethos, because he could have just been a careless self-centered person; He took people's emotions into consideration.

He is just trying to reassure to the readers that anything that they read in this novel is not meant to hurt anyone. He is just trying to inform people about his experiences and the things that he has seen. He wants people to know what his experiences mean to him and how they've affected him. Through this novel, the audience is tapping into his mind and see how he thinks. It also shows how he reacts to things. He knows that he is taking a risk by exposing himself to outsiders who don't know him from previously. This is why a part of him will be behind a veil.

2. The significant change that Nathaniel Hawthorne admits to making is that he is going to tweak the story a little bit. He is going to put his own twist on some of the things that were written in the story of Hester Prynne. "That the main facts of that story are authorized and authenticated by the document of Mr. Surveyor Pue"(Hawthorne 32). Nathaniel Hawthorne is just going to take away the beef and meat of the story. When I say "meat" I mean that he is going to take away all the small details and change it around and rearrange it a bit. He is going to put in some of his life experiences and work them into the original story. The theme and the main ideas will remain the same, but the details will change.

" What I contend for is the authenticity of the outline"(Hawthorne 32). Nathaniel Hawthorne's main objective is to keep the genuinity of the story alive. One can clearly tell that Hawthorne respects Hester Prynne. He definitely does not want to take credit for her work . He wants her thoughts and experiences to stay alive. Hawthorne might have rearranged this story,because he wants people to identify with it more in the time frame that he is dwelling in. The original story was written way before Nathaniel Hawthorne,so the people in the new era would feel like a stranger to the events that went on on in the novel. This is the main reason he made his changes.
3. The potential impact that this change will have on the story is that it is going to make it more interesting to the audience. Instead of just bare facts, For example: this happened ,then that happened. Nathaniel Hawthorne fattens the story up with lots of rhetorical elements. It draws the audience in and it keeps them interested. By changing the story, Nathaniel Hawthorne will be able to reach out to the audience. He can make it so that the audience can experience the story line. It would make the story even more realistic.

By changing the story line, Nathaniel Hawthorne will be able to fit it perfectly to the wants and needs of that particular era. That era will be able to relate more to what is going on. They would relate better, because those events are what they are also going through. Hawthorne would also be able to let people see a little part of himself. He does this the same way that the original writer first did to the story. Overall, the major impact is that the audience can be able to relate to it more.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ane Bradstreet: To my Dear and Loving Husband

Temmi Adeyeni
Ms. Brown
AP English III

Anne Bradstreet: To My Dear and Loving Husband

Anne Bradstreet’s poem, To My Dear and Loving Husband, is just Anne Bradstreet’s way of expressing her love for her husband Simon. Knowing from her biography, her husband, Simon was her strength and her backbone. When she came to the New World the things that were going on around her overwhelmed her. Whether it was the fact that she had to take care of eight children on her own or all the diseases that wanted to take a hold of her and her family. Though her husband, Simon, was not there to help (due to the fact that he was a man in that era and that he was protecting and helping to hold up the Puritan beliefs) her take care of the children she still loved him. The main argument presented to the reader in this poem is that she holds the love that she has for her dear and loving husband, Simon, very close to her heart and that no one thing, person, or situation can ever come between their loves or replace what they have together. She proves this argument by establishing pathos. “I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold Or all the riches the East doth hold” (Anne Bradstreet 1608). Here, she is saying that the love that she has for her husband surpasses any other valuables that the world may have. She uses gold, because gold is very valuable. Gold at that moment in time was a sign of wealth. It was known of as monetary value. Anybody who had gold at that time was well respected and looked up to. So therefore, if she values the love that she has for her husband more than gold, it means that she respects it and she cares for it a whole lot. That line just validates how she feels for her husband. She would rather have the love of her husband rather than all of the riches of the east. She also justifies her point by saying that she prizes her love more than all the riches of the east. Back then, the east was the “Mecca” of the European society. All of the valuable goods were coming from Asia. Goods that include spices and fragrances. Those were the most prized possessions of that time. Anne Bradstreet clearly does not care about these things all that she cares about is the love of her husband. It really hits home, because at this point in her life you would have thought that she would really be more interested in the pursuit of the wealth and the riches rather than the love of her husband. In including the preceding line, she establishes ethos and therefore proves her argument and makes it more believable. In Conclusion, Anne Bradstreet expresses the love that she has for her husband by using ethos and comparing it to things that are much more valuable to others.

Anne Bradstreet Biography Summarization
Anne Bradstreet who was born as Ann Dudley,was born in England in the year 1612. Because she was a woman,she did not have the opportunity to have an education as good as the men.Her father was her tutor and taught her everything that she needed to know. When she got married in 1628,her father and husband joined a group of men whose goals were to protect the puritan values. In result of this, they moved to the New World. When she got to the New World she was overwhelmed. She had the responsibilities of raisng eight children in trhe midst of all the illnesses floating around in the air. One thing that really irked her was the bias that was between men and women. The women were treated like accesories and just the homemaker,they were not being respected This whole situation just gave f her inspiration on what to write her poems about. Another source of inspiration was the relationship that she had with her husband simon. He was the main source of her love poems.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca (Image Analysis)

" When...Blood flowed from us in many places where the thorns and shrubs tore our flesh. At times, when my turn came to gather the wood and I had collected it at heavy costs in only solace was to think of the sufferings of our Redeemer,Jesus Christ, and the blood he had shed for me. How much worse must have been his torment from the thorns than mine here"(Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca ).Wow. My view on Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca's letters was that he thought of himself as a savior. In the preceding quote he is indirectly comparing himself to Jesus Christ. De Vaca,in his letters uses words like "thorns,flesh,blood,sufferings,shed,torment", the thing that these words have in common is that they all have something to do with feeling and bearing pain. In this case,bearing the pain of others. As you can see in this image, Jesus has cuts that are exuding with blood on his body, and his skin looks abnormal. Just looking at him you see the pain on him, you are able to see how he is feeling. He is in agony. He is uncomfortable in the position that he is in,you can definitely tell that he is suffering.The people that he was saving was all of mankind. He sacrificed his life and shed his blood just to make sure that all of our sins were forgiven. He didn't have to do that. One can conclude that Cabeza De Vaca thinks of himself as equal to Jesus, our Lord and our Savior. He feels that being in captivity and having to live with these Native Americans and going by their customs is a way of saving his homeland. He expresses this through the last line of his quote."How much worse must have been his torment form the thorns than mines here". (Cabeza De Vaca). He didn't have to go explore the New World, but he did because he was willing to sacrifice his life and self-respect for the benefit of his country. He is bearing the pain of his country,which rightfully belonged to Charles V. His main purpose for writing this letter is to gain the respect of the king of Spain. He wants him to know that his expedition was extremely arduous and that he did his absolute best to complete what he set out to accomplish. He feels he should not receive a lot of criticism for not completing his task but that he should receive some sort of praise for how hard he tried.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Christopher Columbus (Image analysis)

"From letter to Luis de Santangel, Regarding the 1st Voyage"

This image represents my view on Christophers Columbus' letters, because it goes back to how Christopher Columbus was able to allow the audience to visualize what the New World was like. Christopher Columbus describes this world as bountiful, plentiful and full of abundance. This is clearly visible in the image,because when you think of plentiful and abundance you think colorful, and a positive environment.This image just brings to life what he made the New world to be, Paradise.
Another way that this image represents my view of the letters is that, Christopher Columbus looks very much in control. His stance makes the audience realize that he is the leader and noone can hold him back. If you look closely at his facial expression, he seems to be puzzled about his discovery. He is looks this way,because he did not find what he was expecting. He was expecting to find Asia, when he found the New World, he thought that it would be even better than Asia. That is his objective for writing this letter.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Christopher Columbus

Temmi Adeyeni
M.Brown Per.11
AP English 3
“Christopher Columbus: from letter to Luis de Santangel, Regarding the 1st Voyage”
In Christopher Columbus’ letter to Luis de Santangel, he tells him all about his experiences in the New World. He comes across as being excited and proud of himself, because of the discovery he had made. One can conclude this through the way he describes everything he sees. The main argument in his letter is that the world he had just discovered is bountiful, plentiful and full of abundance. It is a place of endless land. He proves and makes sense of his argument using imagery. He uses colorful and vivacious words that are very attractive and appealing to the mind. “All the most beautiful, of a thousand shapes; and all are accessible and filled with trees of a thousand kinds and tall and they seem to touch the sky” (Christopher Columbus 1451-1506). This line is significant, because it expresses that this place is untouched, like a virgin land. Because this place is far and wide and spacious, he feels that there are no boundaries to what this place can become in the future. One can tell that this place gives him a sense of freedom. He is free to explore this land wherever and whenever he wants. This is important to him, because he wants to be known as the founder of something great. He wants to be recognized. “And some of them were flowering some bearing fruit, and some in another stage, according to their nature. And the nightingale was singing and other birds of a thousand kinds… There are six and eight kinds of palms, which are a wonder to behold on account of their beautiful variety, but so are the other trees and fruits and plants. In it are marvelous pine groves, and there are very large tracts of cultivatable lands, and there is honey and there are birds of many kinds and fruits in great diversity. In the interior are mines of metals…Espanola is a marvel” (Christopher Columbus 1451-1506). He describes what this land is like. He makes it seem like this place is like a wonderland and somewhat surreal. He is very intrigued by how everything is so much different from his homeland. He never knew that such a place existed and it was just refreshing to see and experience. He states that the land is fertile, meaning that it is very tangible and a lot could be done with it. This place has many different things. No two things are alike. This makes everything even more interesting, because everywhere you turn there is something different. He wants his audience to be wowed by his expedition, because he wants to be portrayed as a legend and someone who would matter later on in life. He wants to be a part of a prestigious and noble society. He wants people to look up to him and to want to follow his example.
In conclusion, Christopher Columbus portrays this new world as a fantasy world, as if it was Heaven. He effectively uses imagery, because he is appealing to some of our five senses. He describes his escapades and observations in detail. He does a fantastic job at drawing in his audience and keeping them interested in what he has to say. The way he approached this is by putting himself in their shoes. He has to make this place seem as real as he can to people that are reading it and not actually there. He has to make it believable. He puts an enthusiastic emotion behind his words, which works in his advantage.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Apply: Write a simile comparing a tree with a domesticated animal. In your simile,use a word that is normally used as a noun(like lipstick)as an adjective (like lipsticked). Share your simile with the class.

"An olive tree like a producted ant"

An olive tree is very productive ,because the olive oil can be used for various thing such as: quenching thirst, cooking with and it can also aid in the growing of hair and many more. An ant is also very poductive in the sense of gathering food and getting themselves ready for the winter.