Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anne Bradstreet Biography Summarization
Anne Bradstreet who was born as Ann Dudley,was born in England in the year 1612. Because she was a woman,she did not have the opportunity to have an education as good as the men.Her father was her tutor and taught her everything that she needed to know. When she got married in 1628,her father and husband joined a group of men whose goals were to protect the puritan values. In result of this, they moved to the New World. When she got to the New World she was overwhelmed. She had the responsibilities of raisng eight children in trhe midst of all the illnesses floating around in the air. One thing that really irked her was the bias that was between men and women. The women were treated like accesories and just the homemaker,they were not being respected This whole situation just gave f her inspiration on what to write her poems about. Another source of inspiration was the relationship that she had with her husband simon. He was the main source of her love poems.

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