Monday, October 27, 2008

Ain't I a Woman? comparison

In the revised version and original version of Sojourner Truth's speech , Aren't I a woman and Ain't I woman, there are a number of differences. Two significant differences lie in changes of language and lack of imagery. The difference that is more obvious to the reader is the lack of imagery. "Aren't I a Woman" fails to let the reader visualize the speech. It definitely makes it harder for the reader to answer questions such as: "where were they?", "Why did they let her as an African-American woman , speak?", " How did the audience react when she got up to speak?" This version takes away the authenticity of the speech. It fails to letting the readers realize how significant and mind-blowing the speech actually was. While on the other hand, "Ain't I a Woman", helps the readers understands the speech better. The fact that it had so much imagery, allows for the speech to capture the minds of the readers. It is more inspirational, because it described the situation Sojourner was in and makes her more of a brave person.

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